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Log4j    sikkerhetshull   -   nåværende    status:

RailClone & Forest Pack - Itoosoft - bruker ikke bibliotekene - ikke påvirket

V-Ray, Phoenix, VRScans etc - Chaos Group - bruker ikke bibliotekene - ikke påvirket

3D Studio, Maya, MB, Fusion & andre Autodesk produkter - foreløpig tyder på at de er ikke påvirket - Skal bekreftes.

Siste uttalelse fra Autodesk:

Autodesk is continuing to perform a thorough investigation in relation to the recently discovered Apache Log4j security vulnerabilities. We continue to implement several mitigating factors for our products including patching, network firewall blocks, and updated detection signatures to reduce the threat of this vulnerability and enhance our ability to quickly respond to potential malicious activity. We have not identified any compromised systems in the Autodesk environment due to this vulnerability, at this time. This is an ongoing investigation and we will provide updates on the Autodesk Trust Center as we learn more"